Isn't it amazing how indoor gardening can bring a sense of calm and a touch of nature into our homes? But, let's be honest, it's not always a walk in the park. There are pitfalls and mistakes that can turn our green oasis into a plant graveyard. 

But don't worry, we're here to help you navigate these common mistakes and keep your indoor garden thriving.


1. Watering Woes


We've all been there. You get a new plant, and in your excitement, you shower it with love and, well, water. But did you know that overwatering is the quickest way to send your plant to an early grave? It's true! Overwatering can lead to root rot, a nasty condition where the roots of your plant become mushy and decayed. 


On the flip side, under-watering is like sending your plant on an unwanted desert vacation. Signs? Crispy leaves, drooping stems, and a general look of "Help me!" To avoid this, get to know your plant. Some like to dry out completely between waterings, while others prefer to be consistently moist. Do your research, and your plant will thank you with lush growth.

Not Journaling a Watering Schedule

Consistency is key! Just like you wouldn't forget to feed your pet, don't forget to water your plants. But how do you remember? Journal it! By keeping track of when you water, you can ensure that your plants get the right amount of hydration at the right time.


2. Pot Problems

Pots! They're not just for decoration. They're your plant's home, and choosing the right one can make all the difference.

Planting in Pots Without Drainage Holes

Imagine wearing rain boots filled with water all day. Uncomfortable, right? That's how plants feel in pots without drainage holes. Without a way for excess water to escape, plants can become waterlogged, leading to—you guessed it—root rot. 

Using the Wrong Container Size

Size matters! A pot that's too small can constrict your plant's roots, while a pot that's too big can cause the soil to dry out too slowly. The Goldilocks rule applies here: find a pot that's just right. Typically, you'll want to choose a pot that's 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one.

Never Changing the Container

Plants grow, and as they do, they need more space. If you notice your plant's roots peeking out from the bottom or the soil drying out super quickly, it's time to repot. Repotting gives your plant a fresh start, with new soil and more space to spread out.


3. Soil Selection

Soil isn't just dirt. It's the foundation of your plant's health.

Issues with Soil Choice

Different plants have different needs. Cacti and succulents thrive in fast-draining soil, while tropical plants prefer something more organic-rich. Always choose the right type of soil for your plant to ensure it gets the nutrients it needs.

Never Amending the Soil

Plants take up nutrients from the soil, and over time, these nutrients can become depleted. By amending your soil with compost or a slow-release fertilizer, you can ensure that your plants always have the food they need to thrive.


4. Light Limitations

Ah, light! It's like the coffee for our plants. But just like too much or too little caffeine can throw us off, the same goes for our green buddies and their light intake.

Not Giving Plants Enough Light

Imagine trying to read a book in the dimmest light. Tough, right? Plants feel the same way when they don't get enough light. Each plant has its own light preference, from bright, indirect light to low, filtered light. Not meeting these requirements can lead to leggy growth, faded leaf color, and a sad-looking plant. So, always check the light needs of your plant and place them accordingly.

Issues with Light Placement

Ever gotten a sunburn from staying out in the sun too long? Plants can get 'sunburned' too! Direct sunlight can scorch their leaves. On the other hand, too little light can make them weak and leggy. 

The trick? Find a balance. Rotate your plants occasionally to ensure even growth and consider using sheer curtains to filter intense sunlight.


5. Plant Placement

Where you place your plant in your home can make a world of difference. It's like choosing between a room with a view or a basement apartment.

Hidden Away Plants

Plants aren't just decor; they're living beings. Tucking them away in a forgotten corner means they might not get the care they need. Plus, plants have a way of brightening up a space and purifying the air. So, give them a place of pride in your home. Let them be seen and admired!

Cold, Drafty Windows

Just as you'd shiver near a drafty window in winter, plants can suffer too. Cold drafts can stress plants, leading to leaf drop and stunted growth. 

Always check the areas around your windows, especially in winter. If it's too chilly, consider moving your plant to a cozier spot.


6. Root Routine

Roots: the unsung heroes of the plant world. They're like the control center of the plant, taking up water and nutrients. But they often get overlooked.

Forgetting to Check the Roots

Roots are the lifeline of a plant. They anchor it, feed it, and help it grow. Ignoring them is like ignoring the foundation of a house. Every once in a while, gently remove your plant from its pot and check its roots. 

Healthy roots are firm and white or light tan. If they're looking good, give yourself a pat on the back!

Not Checking for Root Rot

Root rot is like the boogeyman of the plant world. It sneaks up when you least expect it, turning healthy roots mushy and brown. Overwatering is the main culprit. 

But fear not! By ensuring proper drainage and not letting your plant sit in water, you can keep root rot at bay. And if you spot it early, trim away the affected roots and repot in fresh soil. Your plant will thank you!


7. Fertilizer Fumbles

Fertilizers: they're like the vitamins for our plants. But just as chugging a whole bottle of vitamins isn't a great idea, there's a right and wrong way to use fertilizers.

Overusing Fertilizers

Think of fertilizers as a plant's food. Now, imagine eating Thanksgiving dinner every day. Sounds overwhelming, right? Over-fertilizing can overwhelm plants, leading to burnt leaves and stunted growth. The key is to follow the recommended dosage and frequency. 

Remember, less is often more when it comes to feeding your plants.

Not Using Self-watering Methods

In our busy lives, it's easy to forget to water our plants. Enter self-watering methods! These nifty tools ensure your plants get the right amount of water, even when you're on vacation. From self-watering pots to wick systems, there's a method for every plant parent, whether you're a newbie or a pro.


8. Plant Selection

Choosing a plant is like choosing a pet. It's a commitment! And just as you wouldn't get a high-maintenance pet if you're always on the go, you need to choose plants that match your lifestyle and expertise.

Selecting the Wrong Plant for Your Expertise

We all start somewhere. If you're new to the plant world, opt for hardy plants that can forgive a few mistakes. Think snake plants or ZZ plants. As you gain confidence, you can venture into the world of fiddle leaf figs and orchids. It's all about growing at your own pace.

Buying Plants Without Labels

Would you buy a mystery box of food without knowing its contents? Probably not. The same goes for plants. Plants without labels are like books without titles. You're in the dark about their care needs. Always opt for plants with clear labels, so you know exactly how to keep them happy.


9. Overcrowding

Plants, like people, need their space. While a jungle vibe sounds dreamy, overcrowding can lead to a host of problems.

The Risks of Overcrowding

Imagine being in a packed elevator. Not fun, right? Plants feel the same way when they're squished together. Overcrowded plants compete for light, water, and nutrients. This can lead to stunted growth and make plants more susceptible to pests and diseases. Give them room to breathe!

How to Properly Space Indoor Plants

Spacing isn't just about aesthetics; it's about health. Ensure there's enough space between your plants so that air can circulate freely. This reduces humidity, which can lead to mold and mildew. As a rule of thumb, taller plants need more space between them, while shorter plants can be placed a bit closer together. Adjust as your plants grow and spread their leaves.


10. Myths and Misconceptions

The 'Green Thumb' Myth

Well, there's no such thing as a green thumb! Plant care isn't some magical ability that you're born with. It's all about knowledge, patience, and a bit of trial and error. Everyone can learn to care for plants with the right information and a dash of dedication.

Common Misconceptions

From the belief that all plants purify the air to the idea that talking to your plants helps them grow, misconceptions abound. While some of these tales have a grain of truth, others are pure fiction. It's essential to separate fact from fiction to provide the best care for your leafy friends.



And there we have it, fellow plant lovers! The road to a thriving indoor garden is paved with knowledge, observation, and a dash of love. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you're setting yourself – and your plants – up for success.



Garden Myths. (n.d.). 21 Common Indoor Plant Myths - That Save You Time and Money. Retrieved from

Pennisi, B. (n.d.). Growing Indoor Plants with Success. UGA Extension.

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