Air plants are a unique and beautiful addition to any home. They make for an eye-catching centerpiece or add a touch of greenery to your living space. These low-maintenance plants don’t require soil and can thrive in almost any environment, making them the perfect choice for anyone looking for an easy way to spruce up their home.

Not only for aesthetics, but air plants are also known for their air-purifying properties. They are accumulators of metal particles, like lead, and absorb formaldehyde, ammonia, and other volatile organic compounds from the air (Sadhu & Naika, 2021). Placing them in your living room, bedroom, or office can help reduce toxins and create a healthier environment for you.


Xeric and Mesic Air Plants


xeric air plants


Xeric air plants are adapted to hot, dry conditions and can tolerate long periods without water. They tend to have silver-gray leaves and are often small in size. Popular varieties of xeric air plants include tillandsia cyanea, tectorum, and caput-medusae. They are a good choice for people who live in dry climates or for those who want a low-maintenance plant that does not require frequent watering. 


mesic air plants


Mesic air plants require more water and should be sprayed with a misting bottle regularly or given a light soaking every other week. They tend to have vibrant green leaves covered in trichomes, allowing them to absorb moisture from the air. Popular varieties of mesic air plants include tillandsia brachycaulos, andreana, and bulbosa. They are a good choice for people who live in more humid environments or for those who have a regular watering routine.

5 Creative Air Plant Decor Ideas


1. Terrariums


terrarium air plant


This is an easy and beautiful way to show off your air plants. You can create a simple terrarium with some glass vessels, sand or gravel, and various air plants. You can hang the terrarium from the ceiling or place it on your windowsill for a unique and eye-catching display.


2. Centerpiece


centerpiece air plant

Have a stunning centerpiece for your dining table or coffee table. Place several air plants in a colorful planter or dish and add other decorative elements such as candles, stones, or shells. You can also create an arrangement with moss if desired.


3. Air plant mobile


air plant mobile


Make a beautiful mobile with air plants and other items such as ribbons, feathers, beads, shells, or other small objects. Hang the mobile from the ceiling for an interesting focal point in your home.


4. Wall art


wall art air plant


Create a beautiful wall art by mounting air plants onto a piece of driftwood or other natural material. Arrange the air plants in an interesting and artistic way to create a one-of-a-kind display.


5. Wreaths


wreath air plant


Make a beautiful wreath using air plants and other natural elements such as moss, twigs, and flowers. Hang the wreath on a wall or door for a unique and natural touch.

Air Plant Care and Maintenance


air plant care and maintenance

1. Bright and indirect light

Air plants can be placed near a window with filtered light but should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which can burn their leaves.


2. Water by misting or soaking

These plants do not require soil to grow and obtain moisture and nutrients from the air. They should be misted or soaked in water once a week or every other week, depending on the humidity and temperature of your home. To soak them, place them in a container of water for 5-10 minutes, then shake off any excess water and allow them to dry upside down for a few hours.


3. 50-90°F temperature

Airplants can tolerate higher temperatures but should be protected from extreme heat or cold.


4. Good air circulation

Place them in an area with good airflow, such as near an open window or fan.


5. Fertilize occasionally 

Use a specialized air plant fertilizer according to the instructions on the package, usually every 2-4 weeks.


6. Groom and trim

Remove any dead or yellow leaves from your air plants by gently pulling them off. This will help your plants stay healthy and look their best.


7. Transfer containers after some time

Air plants do not require traditional repotting as they do not grow in soil. However, if your plant becomes too large for its container, you can gently pull it apart and divide it into smaller plants or attach it to a larger surface for continued growth.


Final Thoughts

Start by selecting several different varieties of air plants that complement each other. Consider selecting containers that match your decor for an extra special touch. You can also add other decorative elements, such as stones, shells, or moss, for additional texture and color. With the proper care and maintenance, your air plants will thrive and bring a unique touch to any room in your home!




Sadhu, D.& Naika, M. (2021). Nature’s own miracle: Air plants an emerging ornamental wonder. Research Biotica. 3. 69-73. 10.54083/ResBio/3.1.2021.69-73. 

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