Planting flowers in a pot is an easy and rewarding way to do just that! With the right know-how, you can create a unique and beautiful oasis right in your own backyard. But how exactly should you go about planting flowers in a pot? Read on to find out!


What You Will Need

Before you get started, here is a list of items that you will need:

  • Flower pot
flower pots
  • Potting soil
potting soil
  • Mulch (if needed)
  • Plant food (optional)

plant food


  • Flowers of your choice



  • A trowel or shovel


Choose the Right Pot

white pots

  1. Determine the right size of pot you need.
  • When choosing a pot, consider the type and number of flowers you plan to plant. A pot that is too big can cause the soil to dry out too quickly, which leads to wilting. Make sure the pot is proportional to the size of the plant's root system.
  • Climate can also impact the size of the pot you choose. In hot and dry areas, opt for a larger pot to help retain moisture. In cooler and wetter climates, a smaller pot can prevent waterlogging.
  • If you plan to place the pot in a windy area, select a heavier pot that is less likely to tip over.
  • When planting multiple plants in the same pot, choose a pot that is large enough to accommodate the root systems of all the plants.
  1. Consider the material.
  • Clay pots: Made of clay, ceramic, or terra cotta, and are suitable for plants that need consistent soil moisture, including ferns, violets, and peace lilies.
  • Recycled pots (e.g. SWP pots): These pots are eco-friendly, lightweight, and long-lasting, making them a perfect choice for hanging plants and centerpieces. They are ideal for plants that need good drainage, such as succulents, orchids, and spider plants.
  • Plastic pots: These pots are affordable and lightweight but not as durable as other materials. They are ideal for plants that need frequent repotting. Flowers perfect for these pots include begonias and annuals.
  • Stone containers: These pots are great for creating a natural look in your garden, but they can be quite heavy. They are ideal for stationary plants that don't need frequent movement. Some suitable plants for these pots include cacti, lavender, and rosemary.
  • Metal containers: Although stylish, metal pots can become very hot in the sun and are suitable for plants that don't require consistent soil moisture. Some perfect flowers for these pots include succulents and petunias (Sovják & Fridrichová, 2018).
  1. Select a pot with drainage holes in the bottom. This is essential for preventing waterlogging and root rot.
  2. Pick a pot that complements the colors of your flowers. You want to choose something that will be a visual accent to your flowers, not compete with them.

Choose the Right Soil

Different types of soil

Sand, silt, and clay combine to form soil. Different types of soils have different levels of these components; they may also contain organic matter, such as compost or manure (UNH Extension, 2020).

  1. Choose soil with the right texture for your flowers. A loamy soil is ideal because it contains equal parts sand, silt, and clay. It gives your flowers the right amount of air, water, and nutrients.
  2. Pick soil that is pH-balanced for your plants. The pH level should be between 6.0 and 7.0; this will ensure that your flowers get the nutrients they need for optimal growth (Kelly et al., 2016).
  3. Make sure it's well draining so that excess water can escape quickly. Otherwise, your plants may end up sitting in water and develop root rot.
  4. Select soil that is organic and free of pesticides or other chemicals. This will ensure the health and safety of you and your family as well as the environment.

Choose the Right Flowers

different kinds of flowers


  1. Consider your climate. Some plants may not survive in certain climates, so select ones that will thrive where you live.
  2. Choose flowers that bloom at different times of the year. Doing this will keep your pot looking fresh and beautiful all year round.
  3. Select flowers that have similar watering needs. This will help you manage the amount of water they need to stay healthy.
  4. Pick flowers that complement each other in color and size. This will create a more interesting and appealing display for your pot. Think of the color wheel and mix colors that are opposite on the wheel, such as red and green or yellow and purple for impact. For harmony, stick to different shades of one color. Use foliage to add texture and contrast.
  5. Buy plants that have been grown in a nursery or greenhouse. This will ensure that they are healthy and pest-free when you bring them home.


How to Plant Flowers in a Pot

flowers in different types of pots

  1. Prep your pot. Cover the bottom with a thin layer of gravel or stones to help with drainage.
  2. Put in potting soil. Fill the pot about three-quarters full with high-quality potting soil. Make sure it's level and not mounded up in the center.
  3. Plant your flowers! Starting around the sides, gently press your flowers into the potting soil. If you're planting a mix of colors and sizes, be sure to space them out evenly. Intersperse with a few sprigs of foliage if you'd like.
  4. Add a top dressing. Cover the pot surface with mulch or decorative stones to finish it off. Press down lightly to make sure everything is secure. Mulch will also help retain moisture. But remember that not all plants need mulch.
  5. Water your plants. Give them a good watering and let the water settle before you place your pot in its permanent spot.


Final Thoughts

Planting flowers in pots is a great way to add color and life to your outdoor space. With the right pot, soil, and plant, you can create a beautiful display lasting for years. Just remember to choose wisely, give proper plant care, and enjoy!



Kelly, L.S., Crouse, K. Pennington, J. (2016). Soil pH for landscape plants. MSU Extension.

Sovják, R. & Fridrichová, E. (2018). Design study of indoor flower pots with an emphasis on their added value. 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/5.3/S21.021. 

UNH Extension. (2020). What is the best soil for potted plants?

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